Employee productivity and engagement are frequently discussed separately. However, much research suggests that an engaged employee is a productive employee.

Many managers make the mistake of attempting to enhance staff productivity only through time-tracking and screen-monitoring tools – which is OK if your people respond well to micro management. However, implementing data-driven solutions and workplace data analytics based on employee preferences is a more efficient approach.

New technologies can measure productivity with the approval of its employees and promote their continuing participation. They do this by using recognition data collected from employee responses to entertaining and easy-to-navigate interfaces. So, what are the benefits of using data analytics for business?

Benefits of Workforce Analytics

Improve Hiring Processes


Seven out of ten businesses take up to 4 months to complete a single recruit, with the typical hiring cycle being roughly 36 days. Every day wasted on talent acquisition costs your organization money. Many businesses are turning to HR workforce analytics to improve hiring efficiency.

Workforce analytics helps with discovering eligible individuals faster and offer more value throughout the onboarding processes. This enables businesses to set the mood for a positive experience on both sides, decreasing turnover and improving retention.

Identify Top Talent 


HR departments can use workforce analytics to identify top performers in the organization and assist them in crafting a career path. Talent  development is important to most organizations. They typically do everything they can to retain top talent and cultivate leaders from within. Considering how expensive it can be to hire externally, using workforce data analytics can be a huge benefit here.

Find Gaps in Knowledge


Companies that use workforce analytics may discover cross-training possibilities that produce well-rounded staff. They may also indicate possible knowledge gaps that must be filled in order for personnel to execute to corporate requirements.

Identifying these knowledge gaps can assist businesses in allocating resources for continued education and encouraging team culture. Furthermore, addressing skills shortages can assist to enhance employee engagement and avoid attrition or burnout caused by employees feeling overwhelmed.

Grow and Forecast

Without knowing where you came from, how will you know where you want to go and how to get there? Using big data and analytics allows you to develop that plan and roadmap. It will save you from making the same mistakes in the future.


Numbers Don't Lie

Data analytics can help HR departments in differentiating between mere rumor and pure fact. Incorrect perceptions can have a detrimental influence on production, morale, and quality. Skilled managers may solve these difficulties by providing correct information that allows teams to realign with their mission and goals.